The Cannabis Industry Certification Introduction: Cannabis Services Professional Budtender

Like a wine Sommelier, a Budtender(ess), knows cannabis. They are familiar with the medicinal and psychoactive properties and characteristics of all the strains. They know how to recommend for medical marijuana needs, and for the casual enjoyments of the cannabis consumer. They can guide new clients through a discovery process, and help them navigate the myriad of different varieties and strains of cannabis; and they can also help more experienced clients explore new horizons.

A Budtender studies, and understands the subtle differences between the varieties, seed strains, brands, and different products of cannabis. They can explain to clients the nuances of effects, and help them find the right form, strain, and brand to best suit their needs.

A Budtender has the experiences and the study to understand how best to serve the different client needs. From a first time medical marijuana prescription patient to the seasoned connoisseur, a great Budtender can speak to any client in the most helpful way.

A Budtender knows how to interact with patrons, and clients in a formal and casual setting; just like a great bartender can help people relax and feel at home, so too a great budtender can also help people feel well, and at ease with their experience, while they are enjoying the goods.

Budtendering psychology, is knowing a lot about what cannabis does to the mind, and how it effects a person’s perspectives, and thought flow. It’s also about understanding how different people can respond to different varieties and strains.

The decriminalization, easing of laws prohibiting the use of Cannabis is a revealing a new frontier for science, and for society.

The casual consumption of cannabis is becoming more and more socially acceptable around the world, with more and more companies investing into the cannabis cultivation and service sector.

There is a demand for people who understand the science and the service side of the industry. Becoming a great budtender opens up opportunities for working in the cannabis sector.

The Bud Vender Budtending Course prepares you to not only have the skills and knowledge to work with clients, in various settings, but also gives you the tools to consult and interact with clients on the most helpful level. It prepares you for the questions you’ll be asked, and the knowledge you’ll be trusted to have.

The Bud Vender Budtendering Course put me on the fast track to getting a really great job, that I enjoy more than any other, I’ve ever had..”

Joe Gotta

Get the Bud Vender Budtender Course and fast track your Cannabis career.

Six weeks of study, but it was something I was interesting in, and this program gave me the confidence to get a great job at a dispensary that just opened up in my neighborhood. Thanks Bud!”

~Suzie Renolds

Sign up for The Bud Vender Budtender Course and find a new opportunity in the exciting new cannabis service industry today.